1.Ma Pi Leng.
This is where you can actually kick the mountain and reach the sky at the same time. Ma Pi Leng is pretty tricky to conquer but it’s worthy of your effort. When you finally complete your task. It’s time to recognition your work by taking photos. With stunning views Ma Pi leng is photos material right there.

2. Nho Que River
Rarely as a river that itself both extremely risky and romantic as Nho Que river. Lying at the foot of Ma Pi Leng, Nho Que river looks like a green silk wrapped around the rolling mountains. To completed explore this river, if you drive a motorbike you can rely on the path of the local people road, follow the river downstream but this path is quite dangerous, even if the professional driver must be reserved. In addition, you can choose to take a small boat or trekking to fully free your soul in the stunning view here.

3.Dong Van plateau.
Un-balanced hight between mountain, all grey single-colour and rugged. Exotic natural platform is what makes Dong Van so unique. A life time exprience should be caught on camera to memorable your moment.

4.Lung Cu Flagpole
Vietnam proudly presented our country pride. Lung Cu Flag Pole is a mark for our border between China. Point straight up to the sky always waving our red flag. With the over-all view you can admiring our natural in any direction, you can even enable to look pass the border. What can be more specific than the statement “i was here” when you are under Vietnam’s simpol.

5.Hoang Su Phi.
Stand out from all other destination in Ha Giang cause Hoang Su Phi was covered in the wealth of yellow. Yellow in Asian cutule is hidden meaning for how wealthy you are in some case. For example, a fulfilling yellow-y surface of rice feilds represented an up-coming successfuly season. There’s nothing can compared what’s infront of you, a living painting.

6. Quan Ba sky’s gate.
Got in own diversity natural scenics. Long twisted road through out opened-sights of North. Became one of the most searcharable places for check-in along Ha Giang loop.

7. Vuong’s Mansion.
The forest covered the whole Mansion, preserve this mixed architecture. A little bit of Chinese yet plus a little bit of French but still remain local tuoch of Meo villager. Full of cutural tails.
8. Fairy waterfal.
From a certain distance, you can still strongly feel the magnificent beauties of Fairy Waterfal. Pouring down from the 70m hight. Among majestic fresh green forest, Fairy waterfal proudly show it’s poethic looks.
9. Weaving Lanh Lung Tam village.
You will be welcomed in a village belong to native people. They are specialize in weaving traditional custorm out of natural line. They collected them self so you will have the chance to actually acknowledging the whole process. Felt closer to the minority pack of people who’s daily remaining our Traditional values.